yubin-ja.zip : Japan National Postal Code List in Japanese HTML formatted ========================================================================= HTML formatted Japan National Postal Code List. If you need search function, please visit https://yubin.senmon.net/ yubin-roman.zip : Japan National Postal Code List in Roman ========================================================== Files ----- * readme.txt: this file * roman.txt: contains all records, roman characters only. * roman2.txt: contains all records, roman, hiragana, kanji. Base Data --------- The database is based on ken_all.zip which Japan Post Service Co., Ltd. has been publishing for public. You can download it from this direct link. http://www.post.japanpost.jp/zipcode/dl/kogaki/zip/ken_all.zip Japan Post Service Co., Ltd.'s English page is here. http://www.post.japanpost.jp/english/index.html Roman conversion ---------------- Above data file has Japanese kataana value. We convert it into roman programaticaly. Roman representation in Japanese has some ways. Kunrei, Hepburn etc. We use modified Hepburn system of romanization. Format conversion ----------------- Original data file has some ugly specs. For example, one town divided into two or three rows, because of character length. In our conversion that is merged into one row. There is four another specs, but its too difficult to explain in english for us. File format ----------- * First line is title * Column seperator: Tab * Record seperator: CR+LF * Text encoding: UTF-8 * roman.txt Columns 1. row number 2. postal code 3. prefecture code 4. city code 5. town 6. city 7. prefecture 8. area * roman2.txt Columns 1. row number 2. postal code 3. prefecture code 4. city code 5. town 6. city 7. prefecture 8. area 9. town_kana 10. city_kana 11. prefecture_kana 12. area_kana 13. town_kanji 14. city_kanji 15. prefecture_kanji 16. area_kanji * Town column has some special values: 1. "*" means, when there is not a mention. 2. "-" means, in case that street numbers come after the city. * Area division has some alternative ways. Author ------ Fabrice Co. https://www.fabrice.co.jp/